Comments: 7 Shank, 4" Chisels, Remlinger Rear Harrow
Price: $6,700
Comments:4 Bottom, Vari-Width, Spring Resets, Excellent Condition
Comments: 5 Bottom, Spring Resets
Comments: 5 Shank, Cylinder, Auto Reset
Price: $
Comments: 12', Cylinder, Good Blades, Very Nice-Original
Price: $4,700
Comments: 10', 7 3/8" Spacing, Rock Flex, Very Good Blades, Cylinder
Price: $4,200
Comments: 16', Hydraulic Fold, Good Blades, All Scrapers In-Tact, Tandem Axle
Price: $4,700
Comments: 10', Less Cylinder
Comments: 4 Bottom, 16", Spring Reset, Semi-Mount
Price: $1,750
Comments: 6 Bottom, 16", Spring Resets, Hillside Hitch
Price: $1,800
Comments: 3pt., 7 Shank
Price: $2,000
Comments: New, 6', 3pt., S-tine, Rolling Basket, designed for food plots/gardens but can be used in other applications
Price: $2,000
Comments: 11', Good Sprockets, Drag Type
Price: $1,700
Comments: 20' working width, hydraulic fold & swing, good discs and scrapers
M-F: 8:00-5:00
Sat: 8:00-12:00Sun: Closed
724-326-8812724-326-4851 fax